Sensiotec, a company out of Atlanta, Georgia, manufactures under-the-mattress sensors that detect the heart rate, respiration rate, and movement of patients. The technology comes with matching bedside display units and nurse station monitors, but the company is moving toward integrating the data into existing and future systems.
The Virtual Medical Assistant Version 2.0 now provides access to other companies’ devices that wish to partner with Sensiotec in helping to utilize the technology. Data about patient heart and breathing patterns, as well as movement in bed, can be integrated into electronic systems that provide other patient monitoring parameters, as well as existing EHRs for long term data tracking.
VGBio, a predictive analytics provider, is the first company to be accepted into Sensiotec’s Premiere Partnership Program. It is implementing VMA’s 2.0 platform into VGBio’s VitaLink™ remote patient monitoring solution to record data and build personalized physiology models for patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). VitaLink™ was developed in part under a contract with the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Center for Innovation and is currently the subject of two IRB approved clinical studies with the VA and University of Chicago Medical Center. The goal of the partnership is to use the data from the combined solution to predict and prevent emergency room visits for this group of patients.
Flashback: Sensiotec Showcases Virtual Medical Assistant, a New Wireless Non-Contact Monitoring System…
Press release: Sensiotec unveils version 2.0 of Virtual Medical Assistant® during HIMSS Annual Conference…