A potential and novel way of preventing asthma at the origin of the disease has now been discovered by researchers, a finding that could challenge the current understanding of the condition.
People with asthma who live near bigger or larger numbers of active unconventional natural gas wells operated by the fracking industry in Pennsylvania are 1.5 to four times likelier to have asthma attacks than those who live farther away, new research suggests.
The atomic structure of an elusive cold virus linked to severe asthma and respiratory infections in children has been solved by a team of researchers. The findings provide the foundation for future antiviral drug and vaccine development against the virus, rhinovirus...
Children’s hospitals vary greatly in managing inpatients with asthma, according to researchers who analyzed hospital records in a large national database. Even when patients were grouped by characteristics such as age or severity of illness, hospitals differed...
Children who are thumb-suckers or nail-biters are less likely to develop allergic sensitivities, research has found. And, if they have both ‘bad habits’, they are even less likely to be allergic to such things as house dust mites, grass, cats, dogs, horses...
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