LAHORE – Pakistan Chest Society, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa chapter, and International Primary Care Respiratory Group, Pakistan chapter, jointly arranged a seminar here at a local hotel on the occasion of World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Day.
In this seminar all members from Pakistan Chest Society and IPCRG, chest specialists, general practitioners, family physicians and other people related to the medical field participated. Chief Executive LRH and Head of Pulmonology Department, Prof Dr Arshad Javed, was the speaker at the seminar. He said that this chronic illness leads to shortness of breath, cough with expectoration, and whistling of the chest. It is also a common disease not only in Pakistan but throughout the world over the age of forty years in male and female both with every tenth person in the society leading the fourth leading cause of death in the society and in the world more than the aids and cancer with more than 5,000,000 death every year, according to WHO statement.
He further stated that the leading causes are tobacco use, smoke inside the homes, air pollution, use of wood by the female inside the poorly ventilated houses at hilly and rural areas because in Pakistan 72 per cent of the people use these methods for warming inside houses, especially during winter season.