New Year’s Resolution for Better Health
KDHE Helps Tobacco Users Quit
TOPEKA, Kan. —The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) can help people keep their resolutions to quit tobacco in 2014. KDHE offers free cessation support and information online at or toll-free at 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784-8669) to help tobacco users who are ready to quit.
“Quitting smoking will reduce your risk of many diseases including cancer, heart disease, chronic pulmonary disease (COPD) and stroke,” said Robert Moser, M.D., KDHE Secretary and State Health Officer. “Quitting isn’t easy, but it’s worth the reward of a longer and healthier life. Working with a Quit Coach at the Kansas Tobacco Quitline can make quitting easier.”
Quitline enrollment is free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week (except on major holidays). A Quit CoachTM works with participants during emails, live chats or one-on-one phone calls to prepare for a quit date and create a plan to fight cravings and face other challenges. Studies have found that using a tobacco Quitline can more than double a person’s chances of successfully quitting tobacco.
Some people fear their resolution to quit tobacco use will hurt their resolution to lose or maintain weight, but planning ahead can help people avoid weight gain. Exercise can be an effective tool in quitting tobacco use. When the urge to use tobacco hits, people can take a walk, go for a short run or participate in another physical activity they enjoy. Instead of replacing smoking or chewing tobacco with sweets or fatty food, people can try chewing sugarless gum or snacking on carrots, celery, other vegetables, air-popped popcorn, dried fruit or nuts.
KDHE’s Tobacco Use Prevention Program manages the Kansas Tobacco Quitline and provides resources and technical assistance to community coalitions for development, enhancement and evaluation of state and local tobacco prevention initiatives. For additional information on the Kansas Tobacco Use Prevention Program, visit