Which holiday should I celebrate in November: International Drum (Percussion) Month, America Recycles Day, Cookie Monster Day, International Aura Awareness Day or World Toilet Day? My fate, dear readers, is in your hands.
More so than most months, November has an abundance of holidays (one might even say “a cornucopia,” if one were clever enough to make the connection between the word and Thanksgiving, which just so happens to be in November).
Veterans Day is November 11, and the first day of Hanukkah falls on the 27th in 2013. November is recognized as “national awareness month” for lung cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, epilepsy, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and pancreatic cancer, as well as the month of Sadie Hawkins Day and Black Friday. And who can forget, November 30 marks the end of hurricane season. Allegedly.
What you may not know is November also boasts a number of lesser-known holidays like Name Your PC Day, World Sponge Month, National Fig Week, Fill Our Staplers Day and National Bundt Pan Day.
While I don’t typically celebrate traditional holidays, I do have an affinity for these unusual ones. So in keeping with November also being the month of Election Day, I’m putting it to the readers of “Folio Weekly” to decide what holiday I should celebrate this month.
The candidates are (in no particular order):
1. Cookie Monster Day: I will visit as many bakeries as possible, eating nothing but cookies all day—while wearing Cookie Monster gear (don’t tell Oscar).
2. International Drum (Percussion) Month: I will take a lesson from a highly-respected instructor for as long as he will tolerate my lack of rhythm and/or coordination.
3. America Recycles Day: I will police the streets of my neighborhood (Riverside/Avondale) picking up garbage and recycling what is recyclable and properly disposing of what is not recyclable, as well as cataloging my collection of trash.
4. International Aura Awareness Day: I will travel to the Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and have my aura read—whatever that means.
5. World Toilet Day: I will work to raise awareness of the global sanitation challenge … from my home office temporarily set up in my bathroom (aka HEADquarters).
To cast your vote, type the number and/or name of the holiday that you would like for me to celebrate this month (and document in a future blog post) in the comments section below. The holiday that receives the most votes here combined with votes cast on Facebook and Twitter will be deemed the winner. In the event of a tie, I will consult my trusty Magic 8 Ball.