GP surgeries and A&E departments full of coughing and wheezing respiratory patients is a sign that winter has truly arrived.

The year’s seasonal finale is often picturesque, but it’s the winter air that can literally take your breath away.

With well over 40,000 emergency hospital admissions each year, respiratory conditions present a huge challenge for emergency departments and a costly financial burden for the Welsh NHS.

The winter period accounts for 32% of all emergency respiratory admissions, so being climate-conscious or weather-wise really can pay dividends for patients and the health service.

There are several factors that combine to put those with pre-existing lung conditions at a greater risk of feeling under the weather, or having an exacerbation – in lay terms, a “lung attack”.

The key to staying well and beating the winter chill is to be prepared. First and foremost, the amount of cold and flu virus around during the winter period poses a big problem.

People who are unwell and have chronic (long term) lung problems can feel the full force of these, so the BLF would advise people visit their GP or local pharmacy and ensure they are immunised with the flu jab as the first port of call.

You can then begin to build up your defences. Here are some useful tips:

Make sure you keep warm by wearing layers of clothing when it is cold – thermal underwear can be very useful, along with woollen tights and socks and make sure you have a blanket or shawl to hand.

Try and stay as active as possible to generate heat – get up, move around and try to do some exercise.

Eating healthily helps the body fight infections. Chest infections are illnesses that can be dangerous for people with a lung problem. You can reduce your risk of infection by eating well.

Keep your home well ventilated – air quality inside the home becomes more important in winter as most of us spend more time indoors. If you have a bronchodilator, use it half an hour before going outside.

Make sure you carry your medication with you at all times as cold air can tighten the airways in lung disease patients making it harder to breathe.

Try to breathe through your nose instead of your mouth as this will help warm the air.

Protect your lungs by wearing a hood or scarf that covers your nose and mouth – the cold virus thrives on cool air in the nasal passage.

 Dr Mat Jones, a respiratory consultant at Nevill Hall hospital, said: “Patients with airway diseases, particularly asthma often have hyper-responsive airways which are susceptible to the cold. In response to cold weather they can bronchoconstrict excessively (excessive bronchial narrowing) which can then trigger an exacerbation of their condition.

“The main cause for winter-related problems relates to the increased frequency of infective organisms (viral and bacterial) in the atmosphere during the winter months. The frequency of admissions correlates to the presence of these organisms and their habitual patterns.

“Each year, patients with lung diseases are offered vaccinations against viral organisms which are known to be prevalent in the community at that time. Each yearly vaccine is unique to the mixture of organisms present in the environment and offers protection against these infections.

“Patients with chronic lung disease have an increased susceptibility to infections of the lung given the structural changes in their lungs. This, accompanied by the frequency of infective organisms in the community in winter months would explain this trend of cold weather having an adverse effect on the lungs.”

The dry winter air cause real problems for those with conditions such as asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Asthma symptoms include feeling breathless, a tight chest, wheezing and coughing.

COPD affects mainly the over 35s with symptoms such as increasing breathlessness when exercising or moving around, a persistent cough and wheezing. Chest infections can also become more frequent for COPD sufferers during winter.

It is one of the most common forms of lung disease in the UK and the number of people affected by the condition is rising steadily.

Around 80% of all cases of COPD are caused by cigarette smoke, however occupational factors, such as coal dust, and some inherited problems can also cause COPD.

In COPD sufferers, damaged air sacs within the lungs trap air, overinflating the lungs and preventing further air from being taken in. Sufferers of COPD experience severe shortness of breath and can often have a fatal outcome. The symptoms of COPD are often worse in the winter, and it is common for someone with the disease to have several flare-ups or exacerbations a year. A flare-up is when symptoms are particularly bad.

If the flare-up is particularly severe it can prove fatal – 10% of those admitted to hospital die in hospital while up to 40% can die within a year.

While it is estimated that around 900,000 people in the UK have been diagnosed with COPD, experts believe the condition to be hugely under-diagnosed.

According to statistics, hospital admissions in Wales due to COPD rose from 8,384 in 2009-10 to 8,589 in 2010-11.

While it may seem unavoidable, there are ways you can dodge winter infections which worsen respiratory problems.

Washing hands regularly is a simple and effective way to avoid the dreaded winter bugs. When you head out, wrap up well and keep a scarf over your nose and mouth, which help to warm up the air before you breathe it in and also keep a barrier between you and any unwanted infections.

Asthma and COPD sufferers are also recommended to look into getting flu jabs.

Taking regular asthma medication is a must during winter and it’s handy to have your inhaler with you at all times. If you know cold air can trigger your asthma, take one or two puffs of your reliever inhaler before going outside.

Extra care should be taken before exercising in cold weather, so make sure to warm up and down thoroughly before heading out.

Chris Mulholland, head of British Lung Foundation Wales, said: “Two thirds of people, that’s 124,000 in Wales, are estimated to have undiagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The cold weather can help people without a diagnosed lung condition identify whether they are showing some of the early warning signs.

“As respiratory conditions are often exacerbated by the cold weather, those with mild, early stage respiratory problems – that would otherwise go unnoticed at any other time of year – may notice an increase in symptoms. If you notice you’re getting more chest problems in the winter, perhaps becoming breathless, wheezy or have a persistent cough, then it could be an early warning sign. It is really worth going to see your doctor at this point because the earlier problems are diagnosed, the earlier they can be treated and managed which will have short and long-term benefits.

For advice about looking after your lungs in cold weather, including information on winter fuel payments, and to find out about Breathe Easy, call the British Lung Foundation’s helpline on 03000 030 555.

Cold weather challenge for lung patients

Ken Bayliss, from Blaenau Gwent, is current treasurer of the local Breathe Easy group Ken Bayliss, from Blaenau Gwent, is current treasurer of the local Breathe Easy group  

Ken Bayliss, 69, from Blaenau Gwent, is a former maintenance worker in the steelworks and current treasurer of the local Breathe Easy group.

He said: “I have suffered from chest problems all my life, having had TB in childhood. Over the last 10 years my lungs have got progressively worse to the point where I am now on oxygen. For the past three or four winters around December and January I have caught chest infections and had to go into hospital. Things are getting worse when the phlegm my lungs produce increases in volume and becomes quite mucky.

“I’m also being treated for arthritis, and wonder whether the medication for that can lower your immunity, hence the increase in my chest infections. I try to counteract this as much as possible by curtailing my winter activities and taking precautions.

“I don’t really go outside unless I absolutely have to. I can’t walk very far anyway, but when I do, it’s just a few short steps to the car. I have a mobility scooter, but I don’t really use it in the winter because of the cold.

“I always ensure I’m wrapped up warm when venturing outside. I try to maintain a positive outlook and look forward to the summer when I can go out on my scooter – it’s always just around the corner. It’s helpful having friends at the Breathe Easy group, we support each other there and share advice.

“If you’re in the area, please come along, you’re most welcome and it’s good to see new faces.”