To the Editor:
On behalf of the Alpha-1 Foundation and the Alpha-1 family, we would like to enlist your support on our fourth annual “Get the Scoop on Alpha-1.”
Alpha-1 is a hereditary condition passed from parents to their children through genes. This condition may result in serious lung disease in adults and/or liver disease in infants, children and adults. An estimated 20 million Americans are Alpha-1 carriers. The severe deficiency is estimated to affect 80,000 to 100,000 Americans, yet only 5 percent to 10 percent are diagnosed. Several people suffering from asthma, COPD and other respiratory conditions may be dealing with Alpha-1.
You may not be familiar with this genetic disorder, but we have several individuals in our community who have Alpha-1. One of them is our son, Joshua Liljenquist. Joshua is healthy at this time, but as he becomes an adult, there is a great possibility he may develop COPD, which can cause lung deterioration. Our prayer: Find a cure … As support group leaders for southern Minnesota and parents to an Alpha, we are excited to know we are within about 15 years of finding that cure.
We are having our fourth annual “Get the Scoop on Alpha-1” from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Fairmont. This will be a fun-filled day for you and your family. We will have hotdogs, chips, ice cream cones, live entertainment, vendors, kids activities and a silent auction. If you would like to donate an item for our silent auction, please contact Julie Liljenquist at (507) 399-1368.
We would be extremely grateful if you would support the foundation’s work by coming to our fourth annual event. All dollars raised will go directly to the foundation for research in helping to find a cure.
Believe in, dream of, pray for a cure.
Trent and Julie Liljenquist