(NaturalNews) One of the worst diseases infecting the very heart of America is the use of force. The use of force allows one group or person control over another. Force is one group taking from another person because they think they have the power to do so. It’s a law mandating what everyone must buy while threatening non-compliance with an escalating yearly fine (Obamacare).
Force allows authority to dictate what you can and cannot put into your body. It tells you exactly what you must put into your body, even if that means forcing a mustard gas treatment called chemotherapy into your child’s body, even when there are other, safer options that exist.
Force fines you for not filling out a survey and giving out all your personal information to the government. Starting in 2005, the new American Community Survey is now sent out randomly by the US government and forces Americans to answer personal questions or face a $5,000 fine. The questions are intrusive, wanting to know when you leave for work, what kind of healthcare you have and how many rooms are in your home. It’s wise to just shred these intrusive questionnaires to protect your privacy and liberty.
Force uses violence or the threat of violence to take away your property rights. Force will make sure that you don’t collect rainwater even on your own property. Force is used to arrest you even when you are helping others and selling them highly nutritious raw milk.
Force comes from governments that strive to centralize their own power. The orders are handed down and everyone follows along, just doing their job. Indeed, force is at the heart of government today. Force makes poverty worse, suppressing entire populations using an intimidating and complicated income tax system.
The opposite of force is personal responsibility, personal liberty and voluntarism. A true government should protect individual liberty instead of driving it away. Today, government initiates force to achieve its goals, and it doesn’t give a damn if you want to grow vegetables on your property. If they think that you’re growing something they believe is evil, they will use outrageous violence to trespass on your property and scare you as they trample your garden in search of contraband.
Force exists because ordinary people follow orders blindly and don’t question what they are told to do. They believe whatever they are taught and follow it as doctrine. They will do whatever it takes just to bring home a paycheck or to keep their high-end position. If that means sending SWAT to break down someone’s door while taking a child all because a parent refused a mandated medical treatment, then so be it. The SWAT team doesn’t care about human rights, dignity or ethics. They are just taking orders from above, not questioning why they just killed an innocent person in a meaningless, violent raid.
Family threatened by state, will lose custody of their child if they don’t obey and subject themselves to flu shots
State authorities and medical authorities often team up to intimidate individuals and families into giving up their personal liberty, forcing them to bow to their authority.
News just came in that the Washington Department of Social and Health Services is intimidating a foster family to subject their entire family to mandated flu shots. Foster parent Jamie Smith of Tacoma, Washington, is being threatened by authorities. The authorities are using a foster child currently under Jamie’s care as a weapon against her. The state says Jamie will lose custody of her two-week-old infant if she doesn’t subject the child and her entire family to flu shots. The family has until February to comply, or they will lose their infant, who was born on Christmas.
What’s utterly astonishing is that authorities are forcing this family to succumb to one of the riskiest and least tested medical experiments around today — the flu shot. According to the DOJ’s report on the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, over half of the compensatory claims handled between May 16 and August 15, 2013, were for adverse reactions to flu vaccines.
This family is incredibly wise for choosing to abstain from this list of side effects, which includes the following: “Guillain-Barre Syndrome, myelopathy and radiculopathy; psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis; chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; skin rash, fatigue, and scarring; brachial neuritis; shoulder injury related to vaccine administration, autoimmune demyelinating condition, bursitis, Bell’s palsy and urticaria/angioedema; bilateral brachial neuritis; meningoencephalitis and optic neuritis; transverse myelitis, serum sickness and pain amplification syndrome of childhood/fibromyalgia; acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; rheumatoid arthritis; significant aggravation of an underlying COPD and other pulmonary conditions, and death.”
When are Americans going to stop taking orders blindly — orders that force others to do things against their own will?
When are we going to respect each other’s personal liberty and personal responsibility to choose what’s best for our own bodies?

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