LIGHTNING RELEASES: Arlington, Virginia, Biotivia Bioceuticals (1/13/2014) – The World Health Organization (WHO) says up to half of the world’s 1 billion smokers will die prematurely of tobacco-related diseases (1). Now a human trial researches if the plant molecule Trans-resveratrol could offer some help to smokers wanting to reduce lung damage.
According to research published by Oxford Journals (2), the smoke inhaled from each puff on a cigarette contains about 10 trillion free-radicals. Free radicals are dangerous unpaired electrons which cause damage to cells and DNA and lead to diseases like emphysema and lung cancer. The blizzard of free radicals in tobacco smoke leads the WHO to write: ‘More than 70% of deaths from lung, trachea and bronchus cancers are attributable to tobacco use’. Researchers think virtually everyone who smokes regularly will contract the pulmonary disease COPD later in life.
The US National Institutes of Health write on their website (3): “The evidence is becoming increasingly strong that free radicals are involved in many of the chronic diseases that are associated with smoking. In particular, radicals appear involved in emphysema and chemical carcinogenesis.”
Now a human clinical trial conducted at the University of Turin (Torino) Department of Internal Medicine, has confirmed that the plant molecule Transmax Resveratrol might help smokers to limit the damage caused to their lungs and other organs. In this study – titled ‘Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of resveratrol in healthy smokers a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial’ – subjects were administered 500mg daily of Transmax Resveratrol for a period of one month. The researchers concluded that: “Because resveratrol has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and hypotriglyceridemic effects, its supplementation may beneficially affect the increased cardiovascular risk of healthy smokers”.
James Betz is the founder and Chief Science Officer of Biotivia, the company who supplied the Transmax 500mg Trans-Resveratrol used in the study. Betz stated: “This new peer-reviewed double blind study by one of the world’s oldest and most respected University Medical Schools confirms the multiple protective properties of Transmax Resveratrol for smokers. The Turin University Medical School study found that daily use of Transmax produced a strong beneficial effect in heavy smokers by reducing inflammation and quenching damaging free radicals, two of the most serious adverse effects of tobacco use. Prolonged exposure to free radicals has been strongly implicated in lung cancer as well”
Link to webpages used as reference in this article.
1 – World Health Organization. Why tobacco is a public health priority.
2 – Oxford Journals. Cigarettes contain 10 trillion free radicals per inhalation.
3 – US National Institutes of Health website.
About Biotivia
Biotivia Longevity Bioceuticals, LLC is a leading formulator and manufacturer of high potency bioceutical supplements and DNA cosmetic rejuvenation products for the medical, consumer and functional food markets. The company offers products designed to address specific biological processes and to modulate cellular and genetic pathways known to improve health and foster vitality.
James Betz is the Chief Science Officer and, along with his distinguished team of international research and development scientists, physicians and university research collaborators, has focused on Resveratrol, related stilbene molecules, and formulations of polyphenols and functional ingredients with clinical evidence of beneficial health and wellness properties. Biotivia created the first high-potency Resveratrol supplement and the first Pterostilbene formulation, and continues to support clinical research on polyphenols and novel molecule at university medical schools worldwide.
Biotivia’s health supplements are available for worldwide delivery on www.biotivia.com. Every product is sold with a no quibble, money-back quality guarantee.
Contact for more information:
Cristina Sebastian
Biotivia LLC
2503 D N. Harrison St.
Ste. 13
Arlington, Virginia VA 22207
email: info@biotivia.com
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