As the world gears up to mark World AIDS Day on December 1, there are already a slew of events to mark the run-up. All through the year, we see doctors, experts and those who work in this field throwing light on different aspects of AIDS cases — how there are some problems which are unique to countries and the ramifications this disease has on society. There have also been extensive efforts to shatter myths about HIV/AIDS, and better educate people on unnecessary fear about HIV/AIDS.
Since some time in the mid-’80s HIV/AIDS has been seared into the public consciousness because there has been a concerted effort to bring knowledge to the public. HIV/AIDS in a way has been glamourised — there have been a slew of celebrities associated with AIDS globally. One of the most important that come to mind is the Gates Foundation with Bill and Melinda Gates associated with fund raising for AIDS.
In this age, maybe other diseases really need the hype that AIDS generates, to gain greater visibility. Doctors can use it to spread the message about particular afflictions, break misconceptions and generally ensure that the public is better aware and informed about different diseases. There is increasing awareness about heart disease and cancer, but maybe diseases like the still lesser known, but equally deadly Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) need more awareness to make life easier and better for those afflicted.
Small steps can help create awareness and spread valuable information about such grave diseases.
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