Homeless man hikes from coast to coast for a cause

CREATED Sep. 1, 2013

Eighty year old Charlie Goodloe is determined to travel from Newport, Oregon to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and he’s doing it all on foot.

Goodloe has been homeless for the last six months, and wants to raise awareness about homelessness in America.

He packed everything he owns in a suitcase, strapped it to a metal luggage cart and started walking.

He printed signs that hang on either side of his luggage which read, “WALKING ACROSS AMERICA FOR THE HOMELESS…. FROM THE PACIFIC TO THE ATLANTIC.”

“I’ve got everything I own, medications and all,” Goodloe said. He has a long list of health problems, including a pneumonia, heart issues, cancer and COPD. He even walks with a cane to help with bad balance.

He carries an inhaler in his suitcase, along with a few other toiletries, obituary articles for family members, and the only picture he has of his older brother who died at the age of 23.

He has a 60 year old daughter, but she doesn’t know about his cross-country plans. He didn’t want her to worry.

When asked, “What would she say if you told her what you were doing?” Goodloe replied laughing, “Lock him up in a mental hospital or something!”

A good Samaritan in Nampa who wants to remain anonymous, saw Goodloe walking with his suitcase and signs Saturday and wanted to help.

“She took me to breakfast, which was nice of her, and then she brought me out here and put me up in a motel for the night,” Goodloe said.

He was grateful for the chance to sleep in a real bed. Since he started his journey he’s been sleeping near major roadways with just a blanket; Friday night he just sat on a Nampa bench all night.

The Nampa woman also gave him ten dollars to get some dinner, and took him to Walmart to get a tent, sleeping bag and a small cooler for water.

“I trust in the lord so I rely on him for all my needs,” Goodloe said.

The ex-truck driver is certain he knows the roads well enough to make the hike without getting lost. He’s received support from people passing by and hopes people keep him in mind.

“I want the people to keep me in their prayers as I go along,” Goodloe said. “Right now the body’s willing but you know, at my age we never know.”

He plans to avoid major cities, and travel due East almost to the Atlantic, then turn South and wind up in Myrtle Beach. He’s hoping to make it there before Thanksgiving.